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Itak Filmfest 2009

24. nov. 2009

23.11.2009 je v Slovenski Kinoteki potekal Itak Filmfest, katerega sem se udeležila kot članica žirije. Prireditev je bila zelo dobro organizirana, veliko je bilo igralskih vložkov, scena pa je bila fenomenalna. Filmi so bili zanimivi, ocenili pa smo jih z nazivi PETARDA, BOMBA, DINAMIT in RAKETA :D

Filmska ekipa Caveman Pictures

23.11.2009 was film festival Itak Filmfest in Slovenian Cinematheque, which I attended as a member of the jury. The event was very well organized and the scene was phenomenal. The films were interesting, but we have evaluated them with the titles torpedo, bomb, dynamite and rockets: D

Filmmaking group Caveman Pictures


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