We stoped writing our blog and moved to Facebook. //

Prenehali smo pisati naš blog in ga preselili na Facebook.

Read the old blog // Beri stare objave

Continue on Facebook // Nadaljuj na Facebook

New Promo DVD

11. feb. 2010

Design by:Mojca Pernat
We made a new promotional DVD containing our latest projects. If you want to receive a copy write to us @ info@filmfactory.si.
Izdelali smo nov promocijski DVD, ki vključuje naše najnovejše projekte. Če želite svoj izvod nam pišite na info@filmfactory.si.

All content that is published on blog.filmfactory.si blog is the property of the author of the blog (unless otherwise stated) and and may not be copied or otherwise used without the authorization or approval of the author.
Designed by: Mitja Mlakar www.thee-me.com
Copyright © 2010-2013