15.04.2010 - Začetki so vedno najtežji, tako smo pričakovali tudi na našem začetnem snemanju, ampak da bo šlo toliko narobe, pa si tudi nismo predstavljali. Dan se je začel obetavno, saj so priprave, kljub manjšim časovnim zamikom, potekale po načrtu. Zapletlo se je med ličenjem, ko so se naenkrat vse električne naprave ugasnile - izpad elektrike, kaj pa drugega. Zvedeli smo, da bo izpad elektrike trajal le eno urco, zato smo se odločili med tem posneti "zunanjo" sceno, kjer nismo potrebovali dodatne osvetlitve. Ampak nesreča nas kar ni pustila pri miru, saj smo po prvih vzklikih "AKCIJA" ugotovili, da kasete ne delujejo. Ker so bile pokvarjene vse kasete, smo prvi snemalni dan morali prestaviti za en dan. Ampak če se ne motimo, en pregovor pravi- Slab začetek, dober konec... :D Več slik najdete pod besedilom...
15.04.2010 - It's always hard at the start and we expected as much, but that so many things would go wrong no one imagined. The day started out great as the preparations were a little behind schedule but going smoothly. But then the first twist in the story began, when in the middle of applying make-up to the actors all the lights went dead – but of course the power failed due to maintenance works and no one knew about it. So after learning that the power will be down for an hour we decided to film the outside scene. After preparing everything and shouting ACTION we found out that the cassette did not work in fact all the backup cassettes were defective. So after that we decided to call it a wrap and come back tomorrow. Hey but as the saying goes – a bad start and a good ending…. :D More pictures below...

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