17.04.2010 - Priprave na snemanje "partyja", najobsežnejše scene v smislu "največ ljudi na snemanju" so bile zelo naporne, zato smo začeli že okoli druge ure popoldan. Treba je bilo pripraviti opremo, sceno, predvideti najdaljši kader v filmu... Igralci so prišli okoli petih, statisti pa okoli sedmih. Naličiti, sfrizirati, obleči in pripraviti je bilo potrebno ogromno ljudi... in nenazadnje obdržati hišo celo. Prvi kadri so padli okoli devetih, nato pa smo kar pozabili na čas in utrujeni končali ob štirih ponoči. Vmes se je dogajal pravi party, zgodilo se je ogromno zapletov in vročih pogledov, mi pa kar nismo mogli nehati kričati: "Ostina je... 35ka teče... kamera teče... kamerman je zakon... iiiin akcija...". No, včasih smo na vrsto za "bit zakon" prišli drugi člani ekipe, ampak ob koncu snemalnega dne (noči) smo vsi kričali: "Toti film bo zakon!"
17.04.2010 - The preparations for the filming of the party scene, the largest scene looking at all the people that were involved for creating and shooting it, were very arduous so we started around 2pm. The preparations involved setting up the equipment, the scenes and finalizing the longest shot of the movie. The actors came around 5pm and the extras around 7pm and then they all had to be dressed, the hair had to be done and the make-up put on….and in all the chaos we had to keep the house standing :). The first scenes were shoot around 9pm and we all kind of forgot about the time when filming so we finished around 4am. In the mitts of filming there was a real party going on, there were a lot of twists and hot looks and we kept shouting the same things: FOCUS IS GOOD….35MM IS RUNNING….CAMMERA ROLLING….CAMERAMAN RULES…. AND ACTION. Well sometimes somebody else came on turn to RULE but at the end of the night we were all screaming: THIS FILM IS GOING TO RULE! :) :) :)
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