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Day #7 - Flying things in the room

16. maj 2010

23.04.2010 - Prvi snemalni dan s Cezarjem. Tako kot ostali igralci se je tudi on pred kamero zelo dobro izkazal. Snemali smo sceno v kateri se je Cezar tako razjezil, da so različne stvari z mize letele po sobi. Bogi Pingo... Kaj se tiče malice… danes ni bil noben hamburger pikanten.
23.04.2010 - First shooting day with Cezar. Just like others, he did an awesome job in front of the camera too. Today we shoot a scene, in which Cezar gets so mad, that things from his desk start to fly around in the room. Poor Pingo... By the way… today no burger was spicy.


Anonimni pravi ...

Zakon fotke! Malo jače ;)

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