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Robi Fišer

30. jun. 2010

Sem Robi, star sem 21 let in prihajam iz »zloglasnih« Ruš. Treniram ameriški nogomet pri ekipi Maribor Generals, kjer igram na poziciji quarterbacka oz. podajalca, v prostem času študiram medijske komunikacije. Rad se ukvarjam tudi z drugimi športi, kot so košarka, nogomet, odbojka, skvoš... pozimi pa se najbolj domače počutim na snowboardu. Ker rad izkoristim vsako priložnost da izostanem iz predavanj, sem se lani prijavil na Red Bull Paper Wings, kjer sem z veliko sreče tudi zmagal in za nagrado dobil skok s padalom (skoraj zadnja stvar, ki sem jo naredil) in nepozabno 4 dnevno svetovno Paper Wings finale, kjer sem spoznal neverjetne ljudi iz celega sveta. Trenutno sem zaposlen pri Unicefu.
Z ekipo Caveman Pictures sem sodeloval pri filmu Šah Mat, kjer sem odigral vlogo Štefa. Izkušnja mi je bila zelo všeč, zato sem se odločil poskuiti tudi na avdiciji za nov projekt. Ponovno gre za odličen scenarij in mislim, da je takšnih projektov pri nas premalo. Veselim se snemanja in pričakujem, da bo Neskončni Vozel ljudem še bolj všeč, kot jim je bil Šah Mat.

PS: Vsak, ki ga zanima ameriški nogomet – www.generals.si Malo reklame ne škodi

My name is Robi, I am 21 years old and I come from the infamous town of Ruše. I train American football with the Maribor Generals, where I am a quarterback and in my free time I study media communications. I also like to do other sports such as basketball, football, volleyball, squash and in the winter time I feel most at home on the snowboard. Because I like to grab every opportunity to miss the lectures on college I decided to enter the Red Bull Paper wings contest, which with a lot of luck I managed to won. For the prize I got a free parachute jump and a unforgettable 4 day ticket to the Paper wings world finals, where I met a lot of amazing people from the whole world. Currently I work for Unicef.
I already worked with Caveman Pictures on the movie Check Mate, where I had the roll of Štef. The experience was really great, so I decided to try myself out on the audition for their new project. It is again a great script and I think that there is too little such projects in Slovenia. I am really looking forward to start filming and I expect that the Neverending knot will be an even bigger success than Check Mate.

P.S. Everybody that is interested in American football visit – www.generals.si ( A little advertisement never hurt anybody ).


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