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Workshop on III. gimnazija Maribor

5. sep. 2010

21.06.2010 - Še ena uspešno izpeljana tridnevna delavnica je za nami. Tokrat smo imeli nadaljevanje teoretične delavnice na III. gimnaziji v Mariboru, ki smo jo izvajali konec septembra 2009. Dijake smo najprej povprašali katera funkcija pri nastajanju filma jih najbolj zanima, nato pa so v skladu s tem sodelovali pri nastajanju scenarija, snemanju, igranju in montaži. Nastala sta dva enominutna filmčka, zmontirati pa smo uspeli tudi tistega, ki je bil posnet septembra.
21.06.2010 - Another successful three day workshop is behind us. This time we had an advanced class of the theoretical workshop that we did in September 2009 on the III. gimnazija Maribor. First of all we asked the students witch part of film making are they most interested in. After that they accordingly to their interests worked on the script, filming, acting and post-production. At the end of the workshop two 1 minute films were made and we were also able to finish the one we started to film in September 2009.


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