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Researchers Night 2010

3. sep. 2010

K sodelovanju so nas ponovno povabili organizatorji projekta Noč raziskovalcev, Univerza v Mariboru in TehnoCenter Univerze v Mariboru. Tokrat bo v okviru projekta Noč raziskovalcev z naše strani nastal promocijski video za Noč raziskovalcev 2010 in dokumentarec o profilu raziskovalca. Namen teh dveh vizualnih vložkov je približati poklic raziskovalca mladim in razbiti stereotipe o poklicu raziskovalca. Snemanje že poteka v sodelovanju z raziskovalci iz najrazličnejših področij, in sicer z doc. dr. Iztokom Krambergerjem, prof. ddr. Ano Vovk Korže, dr. Bojanom Dobovškom in doc. dr. Suzano Uran. Več slik iz snemanja najdete spodaj.
We were again invited to participate in the project Researchers Night, by the organizers: University of Maribor and TehnoCenter of the Univeristy of Maribor. This time we will be making a promotional video for the Researchers Night 2010 and a documentary about the profile of the researcher. The goal of these two visual inputs is to bring the job of being a researcher closer to the youth and to brake the stereotypes about being a researcher. The filming is already under way with researchers from different fields. The researchers are: doc. dr. Iztok Kramberger; prof. ddr. Ana Vovk Korže, dr. Bojan Dobovšek and doc. dr. Suzana Uran. You can find more pictures below.


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