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13. Festival of Slovenian Film 2010

4. okt. 2010

Iz 13. festivala slovenskega filma smo odnesli veliko zanimivih vtisov, spominov in poznanstev. Najpomembnejša nam je seveda bila prepremiera našega Neskončnega vozla. Film na platnu zgleda fenomenalno, odziv publike je bil super in mi smo bili navdušeni. Festival je bil zelo dobro organiziran in je ponujal kopico dobrih filmov. Ogledali smo si otvoritev festivala in film Piran - Pirano, tekmovalno selekcijo študenstkih filmov in kratkih filmov, film Naj ostane med nami, najbolj vztrajni pa so si ogledali še Gremo mi po svoje in Circus Fantasticus. Zadnji dan smo uživali na pomolu in ujeli ene zadnjih poletnih sončnih žarkov. Bilo nam je faaajn :D
We took a lot of interesting impressions, memories and met so many wonderful people at the 13th Slovenian film Festival. The most important thing for us was the pre-premiere of our new film Neverending Knot. The film looks fantastic on the film-screen, the public response was above expectations and we were all very excited. The festival was very organized and it screened a lot of great films. We were on the opening of the festival and the screening of the film Piran-Pirano, we watched the competition selection of the student film and the short film category and the movie "Naj ostane med nami". The most persistent of us also watched the films "Gremo mi po svoje" and "Circus Fantasticus". The last day we took it a beat easier and we relaxed on the pear and enjoyed the last moments of sunshine. It was the best :D


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