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Posters and flyers

16. okt. 2010

Končno smo razobesili in razdeliti plakate in letake. Zagotovo jih boste opazili kje na ulici, faksu ali v študentu. Plakati in letaki vabijo na premiero filma Neskončni vozel in predvajanji 22. In 25.10.2010 ob 18 uri v kinu Udarnik. Torej, se vidimo?
We were finally able to hang al the posters and flyers around Maribor. You will probably see them somewhere on the street, you college or in a student home. They invite you to the premiere and the screenings on the 22nd and 25th of October @ 18:00 in the theatre Udarnik. So we will se each other?


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