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3. nov. 2010

Zahvaljujemo se vsem sponzorjem in donatorjem, ki so nam pomagali pri projektu Neskončni vozel.

Film so omogočili: Marles, Tenzor, Nikon, Swaty-Comet, drogerija Beauty world, Amis, frizerstvo Bi Bi, in APS.

Premiero so omogočili: vinogradniška kmetija Borko, Pivovarna Laško, oddaja Veliko platno, Snaga, KMŠ, Office1Superstore.

Afterparty je omogočila Niagara lounge bar.

Še posebaj hvala igralcem, statistom in vsem, ki ste nam kakorkoli pomagali pri filmu in premieri. Posebna zahvala gre še glasbeni skupini RockHeads, mariborskemu reperju EMKEJ-u, imitatorju Nejcu Petku in voditelju Denisu Malačiču ter ekipi oddaje Veliko platno, ki so naredili premiero še bolj posebno. 


We thank all sponsors and donators that helped us with the project of
Neverending knot.

The film was made possible by: Marles, Tenzor, Nikon, Swaty-Comet,

drogerija Beauty world, Amis, frizerstvo Bi Bi, in APS.

The premiere was made possible by: vinogradniška kmetija Borko,
Pivovarna Laško, oddaja Veliko Platno, Snaga, KMŠ, Office1Superstore.

Afterparty was in Niagara lounge bar.

We would like to especially thank all the actors, statists and
everyone that helped us in any way in making this film. We would also like to thank music group Rockheads, reper EMKEJ, Nejc Petek in Denis Malačič and the crew of Veliko platno that made premiere even more special.

Thank you!


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