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Premiere photos

24. nov. 2010

Objavljamo dolgo pričakovane fotografije iz premiere filma Neskončni vozel. Ob pregledu slik smo končno tudi sami dobili predstavo o tem, kako je premiera dejansko izgledala, saj smo bili na samem dogodku kar malo v šoku in smo skakali zdaj sem zdaj tja in skrbeli, da je potekalo vse v najlepšem redu. Še več fotografij iz premiere lahko najdete tukaj (FB stran).
We are posting the long anticipated photographs of the premiere of Neverending knot. After seeing the pictures we got a fell or the premiere, because when the event was in full motion we had our heads full of situations that had to be resolved in order to make the premiere as great as it was. You can see even more photos here (Facebook page).


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