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Working, working, working ... 2011

19. jan. 2011

Komaj se je dobro začelo leto 2011, mi pa smo že zelo aktivni, saj poučujemo, pripravljamo projekte, ustvarjamo... V prvi polovici februarja bo tudi kaj za videt, do takrat pa spremljajte datume Turneje kratkih neodvisnih filmov in se nam pridružite na projekciji v vam bližnjem kraju. Kmalu bodo objavljeni tudi NOVI datumi Turneje. Se vidimo :)

The year 2011 has only just began and we are already in full motion. We teach, work on projects and are creative. In the first part of February there will already be some results to see. Until than we suggest you to follow the new dates of our independent film tour across Slovenia and join us at one of the locations near you. In a few days we will publish a post with new dates and new locations. That is all for now. See ya :)


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