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Workshop at II. gimnazija Maribor

17. feb. 2011

Na II. gimnaziji v Mariboru smo konec prejšnjega leta in začetek tega leta izvajali filmsko delavnico. Sestavljena je bila iz treh delov, in sicer:

  • ogled filmov v kinu Udarnik (nosilec: Zavod Udarnik)
  • teoretični del filmskega ustvarjanja (nosilec: Filmsko društvo Film Factory)
  • praktični del filmske delavnice (nosilec: Filmsko društvo Film Factory)
Objavljamo tudi nekaj utrinkov iz ustvarjanja (montaže) filmčkov. Premiera vseh filmov vključno s spremljevalnim programom bo 18.2.2011 ob 18. uri v kinu Udarnik. Vljudno vabljeni!

At the end of last and in the beginning of this year we led a workshop for a group of young enthusiastic film makers from the II. gimnazija Maribor (High school). We were responsible for the theoretical and the practical part of the workshop and Zavod Udarnik prepared a set of films which the the young film-makers watched and had discussions about.

As a product of this workshop there are five short films made by five young film-maker groups and they will be premièred at kino Udarnik on 18th of February at 18h (6pm). Don't miss this :) Hope to see you there.


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