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Filmska delavnica na festivalu SCiM

6. jul. 2011

SCiM - Študentska konferenca v Mariboru je letos že trinajsta za povrstjo. Študentska organizacija Univerze v Maribor vsako leto organizira srečanje študentov iz različnih držav, ki se na festivalu SCiM družijo s prijatelji iz Evrope. Ekipa Film Factory je letos poskrbela za Filmsko delavnico. Za nami sta dva dni teoretičnega dela delavnice, danes pa je končno potekal prvi snemalni dan. Imeli smo se super :D Slike s snemanja najdete pod postom.

It has become a tradition that Student organization of University of Maribor organizes a Student Conference in Maribor (SCiM), which purpose is to join students from different countries to debate about important issues of the society around us and to express their opinion through their critical point of view.
At SCiM there are many workshops and members of Film Factory team are mentors of practical workshop (Film workhop). The past two days we had theoretical part of the Film workshop, and today we finallydone the firstshooting.It was fun. Wanna see pictures? They are below under read more :)


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