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7. Trakulja in zaključek 22. festivala Liffe

21. nov. 2011

Objavljamo fotografije iz poti na filmski festival festival Trakulja, kjer smo predstavljali film Neskončni vozel in bili gosti na radiu Odmev in podelitve nagrad na 22. Liffe festivalu, kjer smo prejeli Itak nagrado za film Kriza :D Miha se teh dveh dogodkov žal zaradi drugih obveznosti ni udeležil.
We are publishing photos from the film festival Trakulja where we presented our film Neverending knot and were guest on local radio Odmev and the award ceremony of 22. Liffe international film festival where we received the Itak award for best technical execution of a film made with a mobile phone for the film Kriza.


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