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Druga filmska delavnica na Drugi

9. nov. 2011

Za nami je že druga 40 urna filmska delavnica v sodelovanju z Zavodom Udarnik in II. gimnazijo Maribor. V prvem delu delavnice so si dijaki ogledali pet nekonvencionalnih filmov v kinu Udarnik, v drugem delu pa so, pod našim mentorstvom, v štirih dneh zasnovali in posneli film ter ga obdelali v postprodukciji. Nastali so trije kratki filmi na temo »Mladost je norost«, ki bodo kmalu imeli premiero. Do takrat pa prilagamo nekaj fotografij :D
Posbena zahvala Hostel Pekarna & UKC Maribor & Panter Airsoftshop.
We just finished the second 40 hour film workshop in collaboration with Zavod Udarnik and II. gimnazija Maribor. In first part of the workshop participants watched five unconventional films in Udarnik cinema. In second part the participants designed ideas, shot their short films and finished it of in the editing room. Now we have three short beautiful films on the theme "Youth & crazy", which will soon have their premiere. More info shortly. Until then we enclose some photos from the workshop. :D
Special thanks to: Hostel Pekarna & UKC Maribor & Panter Airsoftshop.


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