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Predvajanje kratkih filmov delavnice

10. dec. 2011

Vabimo vas na ponovno predvajanje filmov dijakov II. gimnazije Maribor, ki so nastali na naši delavnici "Kako nastane film?". Prireditev bo v torek, 13.12.2011 v Amfiteatru II. gimnazije Maribor. Filmski gost: režiser Miha Hočevar (Jebi ga, Na planincah, Distorzija, Gremo mi po svoje).

* Zeleno in Modro - Andraž Knez, Nina Peče, Tamara Pešić in Saška Ritonja
* Enkrat - Sebastijan Krajnc, Nej Lešnik, Žan Mlakar in Lara Pohorec
* (Ne)določeno - Tilen Berglez, Vanja Gligorović, Primož Robnik, Matija Šparaš in Men Jia Qiu

Vljudno vabljeni!
The second screening of films that were mentored by us on our film workshop will take place at II. Gimnazija Maribor on 13.12.2011 at 3pm in the school theatre. A special guest Slovenian film director Miha Hočevar will be commenting screened films. See you there :)


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