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Kulturni dan III. gimnazije Maribor

18. feb. 2012

Za dijake III. gimnazije smo ob kulturnem dnevu v kinu Udarnik pripravili poseben program. Skozi pogovor in projekcijo smo dijakom predstavili našo filmsko produkcijo, od samega začetka do danes. »Zvezda večera« je bil ponovno naš pol urni kratki igrani film Neskončni vozel. Sledil je pogovor o zakulisju filma, od ideje do premiere. Na koncu pa smo predvajali še animiran film Last Lunch ter film posnet z mobilnim telefonom Kriza. Kino Udarnik je bil preplavljen s smehom, mi pa zadovoljni.
We prepared a special program in cinema Udarnik for students of III. gymnasium Maribor on their cultural day. Through talk and screenings we presented them our film production, from the beginnings till today. »Highlight« of the evening was again our short fiction film Neverending knot(Neskončni vozel). After the screening we talked about how the movie was made, from idea to premiere. At the end was a screening of animated film Last Lunch and a film shoot on mobile phone Chrisis (Kriza). Cinema Udarnik was covered with laughter and we were happy.


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