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Film Factory išče igralce!

4. mar. 2012

V filmskem društvu Film Factory imamo v načrtih številne manjše in večje igrane ter druge filmske projekte, za katere iščemo igralce. Vljudno vabljeni vsi, ki vas zanima igra, še posebej pa iščemo igralce starejše od 20 let.

Avdicija bo potekala v Kinu Udarnik (Grajski trg 1, Maribor) in sicer:

V torek, 13. marca 2012, od 11.00 do 15.00
V sredo, 14. marca 2012, od 14.00 do 19.00

Vse zainteresirane prosimo, da si tukaj snamete scenarij za kratkosceno, ki jo boste na avdiciji zaigrali.

Vljudno vabljeni vsi, ki vas zanima igra!

Film Factory is searching for actors!

We have a lot of plans for our future projects, therefore we are searching for some new, undiscovered actors and actresses. We are especially looking for actors and actresses aged 20 and over.

Audition will be in cinema Udarnik (Grajski trg 1,Maribor, Slovenia) on:
Tuesday, 13. March 2012, from 11.00 till 15.00
Wednesday, 14. March 2012, from 14. till 19.00

If there is someone who does not speak Slovenian and would like to participate at audition, please contact us: avdicija@filmfactory.si or info@filmfactory.si


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