Cannes, 18. Maj 2012 - Tretji dan smo začeli z obiskom številnih paviljonov različnih držav, kjer smo nabirali kontakte, filmske festivale in različni promocijski material. Sledilo je predavanje na temo »Kako prodati kratki film«, ki je bilo tako nabito polno, da smo morali stati. Ob 17:00 je bil na Short Film Cornerju ponovno happy hour, kar pomeni: pijača in druženje! Na sporedu festivala pa niso samo novi filmi, ampak tudi starejše filmske klasike. Danes je bil na sporedu kultni film Once upon a time in America, vendar nam zaradi prevelikega zanimanja ni uspelo priti v dvorano, kar je bila velika škoda, saj se je projekcije udeležila tudi filmska ekipa z De Nirotom in Woodsom na čelu.
Ne spreglejte: Vlog Tima in Davida – Dan #3
Cannes, 18. May 2012 – We started the day with a visit to numerous pavilions of different countries, where we colected contacts, film festivals and promotional material. Later we attended the conference with title »How to sell your short film«. It was so crowded that we had to stand in the back. After that it was time for Short Film Corner happy hour, which means: having a drink and meeting new people. There are not only new films and premieres at the festival, but also the film classics. Once upon a time in America was on shedule today, but due to large crowd we couldn't get into the screening. It was a pity, because the film crew, with Robert De Niro and James Woods, was also attended the screening.
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