Naša filma Missing the Moment (2012) in Last Lunch (2011) sta del slovenske retrospektive imenovane "slovenska izložba", v katero je uvrščenih 14 slovenskih filmov, na najstarejšem rimskem filmskem festivalu 18. MedFilm festival-u. Hkrati je kratki film Missing the Moment nominiran še za nagrado Methexis, ki se podeli za najboljši kratki film festivala. Medfilm festival predstavlja 40 držav, skupno bo na sporedu 86 filmov. Predstavitev slovenskih filmov v »večnem» mestu je omogočilo sodelovanje Slovenskega filmskega centra in Veleposlaništva RS Slovenije v Rimu. Več o samem izboru in ostalih filmih, ki so bili uvrščeni si lahko preberete v članku na strani Slovenskega filmskega centra. Več informacij o programu pa najdete tukaj. Naši filmi bodo na sporedu 22.10.2012 ob 16:30 uri v Casa del cinema, sala Kodak. Če ste slučjano v Rimu, vljudno vabljeni!
Our latest film Missing the Moment (2012) and Last Lunch (2011) were selected for the Slovenian retrospective at the 18th edition of the oldest Roman film festival Medfilm festival. The retrospective consist of 14 Slovenian films. Our short film Missing the Moment is also nominated for best short film (official competition) and is competing for the Methexis award. Medfilm festival includes films from 40 countries and there will be 86 film screened in total during the festival. The presentation of Slovenian films at the eternal city was made possible by cooperation of Slovenian film centre and the Slovenian embassy in Rome. You can read more about the selection and about the retrospectiove in the article published by the Slovenian film centre. You can find the whole festival program here. Our films will be srcreened at 22.10.2012 at 16:30h at the Casa del cineman, Sala Kodak. If you are in Rome stop by.
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