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Film Factory se predstavi

25. maj 2013

V letošnjem maju smo ob kar dveh priložnostih predstavili naše društvo ter naše pretekle in aktualne projekte.
V torek, 14. maja 2013, smo v Gorici na Visoki šoli za umetnost, Univerze v Novi Gorici izvedli predavanje z naslovom »Dobre prakse na področju filma in animiranega filma«. Poudarek predavanja je bil na pomembnosti filmskih festivalov, izobraževalnih platform ter mreženja, na primeru našega projekta v razvoju; 3D animiranega filma »Honey, can you take my human for a walk?«.
Omenjen projekt in Film Factory na splošno pa smo predstavili tudi kulturologom na Fakulteti za družbene vede, Univerze v Ljubljani. Predavanje, ki je bilo v sredo, 29. maja 2013, se je odvilo v okviru društva kulturologov Kult.co.
This May we had two opportunities to present Film Factory and our past and current projects.
On Tuesday, 14th of May 2013, we held a lecture at School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, with title “Good practice in field of film and animated film”. We talked about importance of film festivals, developing platforms and networking on case study of our new project in development; “Honey, can you take my human for a walk?”.
We presented Film Factory and our projects to students of cultural studies at Faculty of Social sciences in Ljubljana as well. Lecture was held on Wednesday, 29th of May 2013 and it was organized in framework of cultural studies association Kult.co.


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