Kresna noč… oziroma lahko rečemo; sedem kresnih noči in osem prespanih dni. Tako bi lahko opisali snemanje kratkega domišljijskega filma Kresnik režiserja Davida Sipoša.
Ekipa Film Factory smo se z veseljem odzvali na povabilo Davida k sodelovanju pri projektu. Polni energije smo s snemanjem začeli 13. avgusta 2013, na Kostanjevici ob Krki, kjer smo tudi preživeli večino snemalnih dni. Ogenj, volkovi, bakle ter več kot 30 statistov so nam še dodatno popestrili nočna snemanja pod umetno luno.
Film je trenutno v post-produkciji, premiero pa bo doživel prihodnje leto. Več o projektu in snemanju si lahko preberite na spletni strani Haritude Ventures.
Prodprite projekt na Kickstarter-ju.
Bonfire night; or we can say seven bonfire nights and eight overslept days. We can say that for shooting of the short youth fantasy film Bonfire night, directed by David Sipoš.
When David invited us to join his film crew and help on the set, we were already looking forward for our first shooing day; 13th of August 2013. Shooting location were woods near small town Kostanjevica ob Krki in south east Slovenia. We were working really hard and we had a lot of fun, but bonfire, torches, over 30 extras, wolves and fake moon made that experience even more interesting.
Film is currently in post-production and it will premiere next year. You can read more about the project and the shooting on Haritude Ventures official website.
Support the project on Kickstarter.
Support the project on Kickstarter.

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