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Filmski večer na FERI

10. okt. 2013

Naši filmi in filmi nekaterih naših delavničarjev se bodo predvajali v okviru Filmskih večerov na FERI, ki ga organizira Inštitut za Medijske komunikacije na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko v Mariboru. Prvo predvajanje bo že v sredo, 16.10.2013 ob 19. uri na katerem se bosta predvajala filma Missing the Moment in dokumentarec o snemanju le tega imenovan "Behind the Moment". Predvajanja se bo udeležila tudi ekipa. Ostale termine lahko preverite tukaj ali na uradni FB strani filmskih večerov. Se vidimo na FERI! :)
Our films and some of the films that were made during our film workshops will be presented at the "Film evenings at FERI" which are organised by the institute for Media Communication at the Faculty for electrical engineering and computer sciences in Maribor. The first screening will take place on Wednesday the 16th of October at 19h. The screening will feature our film Missing the Moment and also the making of documentary of this film called Behind the Moment. The crew of the film will also be present to answer your questions. You can check other the other dates here or at the official Facebook page. Hope to see you there!


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