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Scripts, Films and Unicorns

27. okt. 2013

Konec letošnjega septembra sta se Miha in naša kostumografinja Tjaša Frumen udeležila mednarodne scenaristične & produkcijske platforme »Rise of Euphoria«, ki je potekala v finski prestolnici, Helsinkih. Koncept platforme je bil preprost: 15 scenaristov je napisalo scenarij, katere so z žrebom razdelili med 15 režiserjev, ki so imeli 3 dni časa za produkcijo filma. Miha je režiral film o čustveno ranjenem metalcu, medtem, ko je Tjaša, kot kostumografinja in maskerka, sodelovala na kar treh različnih projektih. Po 72 delavnih in nenaspanih urah so bili filmi, bolj ali manj, pripravljeni za projekcijo v kinu Dubrovnik, ki se nahaja sredi Helsinkov. Po projekciji je seveda sledila pijača, hrana in druženje pozno v noč :)
In the end of September 2013 Miha and our costume designer Tjaša Frumen, attended the International Scriptwriting & Film Production Workshop “Rise of Euphoria” in Helsinki, Finland. Concept was simple: 15 screenwriters write a script and by drawing each of 15 directors get one script to shot in three days. Miha directed a film about emotionally depressed metal-head, while Tjaša worked as costume designer and makeup artist on his and two other projects. After hard working and non-sleeping 72 hours we, more or less, managed to finish our films and screen it in cinema Dubrovnik, which is located in the middle of Helsinki. Of course, party, drinks and food followed after :)


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