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Nedeljska juhica

4. dec. 2013

Na Drugi gimnaziji v Mariboru je pod našim mentorstvom ponovno potekala filmska šola. Tudi tokrat so se dijakom z druge pridružili tudi udeleženci z drugih srednjih in osnovnih šol. Na dveh snemalnih dneh smo posneli dva kratka igrana filma. "Vse za tebe žveplo moje" je romantična komedija, ki govori o Maticu, ki se zaljubi v napačno punco. V črni komediji z naslovom "Knedli", pa se družinski prepir konča z dobro domačo juhico z knedli. Delavnica se bo zaključila s pogovorom z ustvarjalci in s premiero obeh filmov, ki bo v četrtek, 5. decembra 2013, ob 19 uri na Drugi gimnaziji Maribor v učilnici PD1. Vstopnine ni. Vljudno vabljeni.
Another film workshop, another two shooting days and another two brand new fiction films. Romantic comedy entitled "Everything for you sulfur mine" talks about student falling in love with a wrong girl. In black comedy "Dumplings", a family fight ends up with a hot delicious homemade soup with dumplings. Film workshop, which was mentored by Film Factory and organized by II. Gymnasium Maribor, attended over 10 participants from different primary and high schools. Premiere and the closing event with Q&A with authors and mentors, will be on Thursday, 5th of December 2013, at 19h on II. Gymnasium Maribor. Entry free. See you!


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