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I. faza SNFP zaključena

11. feb. 2014

Naš, do sedaj najobširnejši, vzgojno-izobraževalni projekt Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije, je že v polnem teku. V četrtek, 6. februarja 2014, smo s predavanjem na III. gimnaziji Maribor, zaključili prvo fazo našega projekta, ki je obsegala predavanja na številnih srednjih šolah v Mariboru in okolici. Skozi predavanja smo več kot 1000 dijakom in študentom predstavili in jih popeljali skozi filmski svet.

Naše skrivnosti pa se že s polno paro pribljižujejo drugi fazi projekta; Simulaciji snemanja. Simulacija se bo izvajala v dveh terminih in sicer 17. februarja 2014 ob 13:20 v amfiteatru šolskega centra Ptuj, ter februarja v kinu Udarnik v Mariboru. Vsi cineasti, cinefili in filmski ljubitelji pozor! Vljudno vabljeni na simulacija snemanja v kinu Udarnik v Mariboru, saj bo odprta za vse obiskovalce.

Kaj pa simulacija snemanja pravzaprav pomeni?

"Filmska ekipa bo na odru prikazala in predstavila potek snemalnega dne na primeru snemanja ene scene filma. Vsak član snemalne ekipe bo razložil svojo vlogo pri projektu. Preko razlaganja specifičnih korakov snemanja ene scene, bomo še dodatno pojasnili postopek nastajanja filma. Med celotnim postopkom pa bo lahko občinstvo na platnu v živo spremljalo kaj snema kamera."

Se vidimo!
Fotografije spodaj!
Our , so far the most complex , educational project Secrets of independent film production, is already in full swing . On Thursday, 6th of February 2014, we had completed the first phase of our project with a lecture on III. Gymnasium Maribor. First phase, which included lectures on a number of secondary schools in Maribor and in surrounding area , attended more than 1000 students.

We just finished first phase of the project, but we are not taking any break. Second phase, the simulation of the shooting day is approaching with full speed. Students and all cineastes, cinephiles and other film lovers will have two chances to catch the simulation. Firstly, we will visit gymnasium Ptuj on 17th of February 2014, and secondly, we will come to our home town art cinema Udarnik in Maribor.

But what does this "simulation of the day on set" actually means?

Our film crew will simulate the film set on stage. Every crew member will present his or hers role on the set of a fiction film and give audience a complete overview of film making process on set.

Come and join us. See you there!
Photos below!

Hvala za podporo! / Thank you for your support!


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