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Novi projekt v Wolrd of Shorts

26. maj 2014

Zelo smo veseli, da je projekt I'll probably never see you again, ki je ga razvijamo v Film Factory bil izbran med 7 najbolših predstavitvenih strani, ki bodo predstavljeni v reviji World of Shorts (Daazo), ki ga v nakladi 5000 kopij delijo na vse pomembnih predelih festivalskega dogajanja. (Več o projektu najdete na straneh 58, 62 in 66
We are very happy that our project in development, I'll probably never see you again, got selected as one of 7 pitch pages to be presented in the Cannes 2014 edition of the Magazine Wolrd of Shorts (Daazo), which is distributed all across all the important venues in Cannes. (5000 copies) (You can read more about the project on pages 58, 62 & 66)

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