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10 let skupnega ustvarjanja

3. jun. 2014

Bliža se nekaj, kar ima za nas velik pomen. Ekipa filmskega društva Film Factory pripravlja proslavo Od Caveman Pictures do Film Factory: 10 let skupnega ustvarjanja, ki bo zaokrožila desetletje našega skupnega delovanja. Proslava bo potekala v ponedeljek, 9.6.2014 ob 20.00 v mariborskem kinu Udarnik.

Pomembno je poudariti, da datum dogodka ni naključno izbran, saj smo ravno 9. junija leta 2004 posneli svoj prvi film. Kot veste smo ekipa ljubiteljev filma, ki smo se v srednješolskih letih združili, da bi skupaj ustvarjali. Prvotna zasedba je obsegala 5 članov, poimenovali smo se Caveman Pictures, kasneje pa smo v letu 2009 razvili društvo z novim imenom, Film Factory, prav tako pa se je poleg osnovne ekipe petih članov razvilo sodelovanje tudi z drugimi. V sklopu proslave ob desetletnici bomo premierno predstavili tudi dva naša kratka filma, Busker in Food Fetish, o katerih si lahko več preberete v spodnjih objavah. Prav tako bo predvajana retrospektiva filmov, program pa bomo zaključili z druženjem.

Vsi ljubitelji filma, naši sorodniki, prijatelji in znanci – vljudno torej vabljeni, da proslavite skupaj z nami! :)

- retrospektiva filmov
- premiera dveh filmov, Busker in Food Fetish
- pogostitev in druženje
Film Factory crew is preparing something, that is very important to us. We are preparing an event From Caveman Pictures to Film Factory: 10 years of our creations, that will wrap a decade of our own film-making. The event will be held on Monday, 9th of June at 8 pm in cinema Udarnik in Maribor.

It is important to stress out that the date was not one of many options, precisely on the 9th of June in 2004 we made our first film. As you already know, we are a group of film-lovers, that was created in high school with specific intentions, to create something together. At first our group was called Caveman Pictures and in year 2009 we created a film making crew with a new name, Film Factory, and besides that we also met new people, so our crew grew and we got new members and co-workers. At the event there will also be a premiere of two our short films, Busker and Food Fetish, you can read more about them bellow. We will show you a retrospective of our films as well and in the end there will be a banquet and some time to hang out.

So, all film-lovers, our family and friends – you are very welcome to celebrate with us! :)

The program:
- retrospective of films
- premiere: Busker and Food Fetish
- banquet and hanging out

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