Najboljši igrani film, najboljši film medijskih komunikacij in najboljša nagrada, ki jo kak film lahko prejme nagrada občinstva v sekciji filmov ob zajterku za naš novi kratki film Busker na mednaodnem študentskem filmskem festivalu Student Cuts, katerega žirijo so sestavljali Miha Hočevar, Maja Weiss in Irena Bedrač. Odličen festivlaski začetek za naš kratki film, ki bo svojo premiero doživel na našem dogodku ob praznovanju 10. obletnice skupnega ustvarjanja nalsednji ponedeljek, 09.06.2014 ob 20. uri v mariborskem kinu Udarnik.
Busker je odličen kratki igrani film - ganljiva slovenska socialna drama svetovnih dimenzij - nastala pod taktirko senzibilnega mladega režijskega talenta - Mitje Mlakarja in njegove filmske ekipe. Čestitke!
Maja Weiss, članica žirije Student Cuts 2014
Maja Weiss, članica žirije Student Cuts 2014
Best Fiction Film, Best Media Communication Film and the best award a film can get The Audience award in the breakfast film section for our new short film Busker at the Student Cuts International Student Film Festival, whose jury consisted of Miha Hočevar, Maja Weiss and Irena Bedrač. What a great festival beginning for our film which will have it's premiere event celebrating our 10th anniversary of our film-making team next Monday, 09.06.2014 at 8pm at Cinema Udarnik!
Busker is a excellent short film - a moving slovenian social drama drama with global dimensions - created under the direction of a sensitive young talent - Mitja Mlakar and his film team. Congratulations!
Maja Weiss, jury member of the Student Cuts International Student Film Festival 2014
Maja Weiss, jury member of the Student Cuts International Student Film Festival 2014
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