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11. jun. 2014

Ekipa Filmskega društva Film Factory smo v ponedeljek, 9.6.2014 v mariborskem kinu Udarnik s proslavo Od Caveman Pictures do Film Factory: 10 let skupnega ustvarjanja praznovali okroglo obletnico skupnega delovanja, saj je za nami že 10 let ustvarjanja. Datum proslave ni bil naključno izbran, saj smo ravno 9. junija leta 2004, kot skupina Caveman Pictures, posneli svoj prvi film.

Proslava, s pričetkom ob 20.00, je obsegala dva sklopa. Ob 20. uri smo gledalcem predstavili retrospektivo izbranih filmov, ki so nastali v naši produkciji tekom desetih let skupnega ustvarjanja ter s tem predstavili svoj razvoj in napredek, za katerega si prizadevamo in se trudimo prav od prvega filma pa vse do danes. Nato je ob 21.20 sledilo premierno predvajanje dveh naših kratkih igranih filmov, Busker in Food Fetish. Film Busker je le nekaj dni pred proslavo, kot smo že tudi zapisali, na mednarodnem študentskem filmskem festivalu Student Cuts prejel kar tri nagrade, nagrado za najboljši igrani film, najboljši film študijske smeri medijskih komunikacij ter nagrado občinstva. Po koncu uradnega dela, ki ga je vodil Blendor Sefaj, je sledilo druženje ob dobrem vinu, prigrizkih ter dobri družbi v prostorih kina Udarnik, za najbolj vztrajne pa smo poskrbeli tudi z osebnim DJ-em in plesom pozno v noč.

Hvala vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in seveda tudi ostalim filmoljubom, ki ste prišli proslavit z nami, upamo, da ste uživali – mi smo! :)
Film Factory crew prepared an event From Caveman Pictures to Film Factory: 10 years of our creations, we celebrated a 10th anniversary of our own film-making. The event was held on Monday, 9th of June at 8pm in cinema Udarnik in Maribor. The date was not one of many options, because precicely on the 9th of June in 2004 we made our first film, as Caveman Pictures group.

The event was divided in two parts, at 8 pm there was a retrospective of selected films that were made in our production through ten years of our creations, we represented our work and promotion from one project to another, untill today. At 9.20 pm there was a premiere of two our latest films, Busker and Food Fetish. Film Busker got three awards only few days before the celebration, it was awarded at the Student Cuts International Student Film Festival with Best short narrative film award, Audience award and Best media comunication Film. After the official part of the event, that was moderated by Blendor Sefaj, we were hanging out in cinema Udranik, at the banquet with good food and wine. And for the most persistent ones, there was also a personal DJ and dancing all night long.

Our family, friends and other film-lovers, thank you for celebrating with us, we hope you had a great time – we did! :)


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