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4 River film festival

14. avg. 2009

Photo by: Miha Šubic in Simon Komar
Film Checkmate (Šah mat) was selected for international competition program of 4 River film festival, which will be from 10th to 13th of September in Karlovac, Croatia.
Our other two films, Speed kills (Hitrost ubija) and Somnium, will be shown as a part of non-competition program.

See you at the festival :D
Film Šah mat je bil izbran v internacionalno sekcijo tekmovalnega dela 4. River film festivala. Filma Hitrost ubija in Somnium pa sta bila izbrana v spremljevalni program. Festival bo potekal od 10. do 13. septembra 2009 v Karlovcu (Hrvaška).

Se vidimo na festivalu!

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