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Film workshop

2. okt. 2009

We had a film workshop at III. gimnazija Maribor high school from 28. to 30. September 2009. Only three of us could attend workshop, cause Mitja is on student exchange in Istanbul. There was about 20 students and we taught them very basic of film making. We discussed about film history, producing, shooting, framing, casting, etc. At the initiative of students on the last day we even shot a short sketch, but we couldn't edit it, due to tight time schedule. It was a great experience. Maybe we'll go back next year and finish our sketch. Till then...

see you :)
Od 28. do 30 septembra 2009, smo na III. gimnaziji Maribor, v okviru OIV, izvedli filmsko dlavnico. Žal smo bili samo trije, saj je Mitja na izmenjavi v Istanbulu. Udeležba je bila nad pričakovanji. Dijakom smo predstavili osnove filmskega ustvarjanja - razložili smo jim celoten potek nastanka filma od ideje, do premiere. Delavnica naj bi bila samo teoretična, ampak smo zadnji dan na željo dijakov posneli kratek skeč, ki ga zaradi časovne stiske nismo uspeli zmontirati. Vse to je za nas bila nova izkušnja in morda se naslednje leto vrnemo.

Lp :)


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