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Screening at Narodni dom (Maribor)

24. okt. 2009

On 23. October 2009, we had a screening of our selected films on small stage in Narodni dom, Maribor.

prispevek z Dostop.si

Beside ours, there was a screening of few other films. We even had an interview for Dostop website. Here you can find the article (it is in Slovenian language).
Na filmski večer na malem odru mariborskega Narodnega doma, 23. oktobra 2009, je bila projekcija izbranih naših filmov. Ob priložnosti nas je obiskala ekipa Dostop.si in o nas pripravila prispevek. Zraven naših, sta bila predvajana tudi Pokrajina št.2 in diplomski film Maje Senekovič "Zadeta od lajfa".


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