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Day #5 – Freezing, smashing and eating

14. maj 2010

Današnji snemalni dan je bil eden napornejših, saj smo snemali od jutra do večera, s krajšimi pavzami seveda. Danes smo delali veliko različnih stvari. Nekaj smo zaprli v hladilnik, nekaj smo razbili (več krat), nekaj pa smo pojedli. Kaj smo zaprli v hladilnik in kaj smo razbili boste videli v filmu, ne boste pa videli kaj smo pojedli. Že peti dan smo za malico imeli fast food oz. bolj natančno cheeseburgerje, med katerimi je eden zelooo pikanten. Tisti, ki ga dobi je zmagovalec naše nagradne igre – tokrat je bil srečnež Mičo (že drugi dan zapored).
Today was one of the toughest days, we were shooting from dust till dawn. We did a lot of different things today – we froze something, smashed something and ate something. What we smashed and froze you will see in the film, but you won't see what we ate. For 5th day in a row we ate fast food again, cheeseburgers if we are exact. One of the burgers was really, really spicy and the one who gets it, is the winner. Today this was Mičo (second time in a row already).


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