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Day #6 - Reflections

15. maj 2010

22.04.2010 - Ta snemalni dan se je začel, tako kot se začne marsikateri ženski dan, pred ogledalom. Vendar mi nismo občudovali svojih odsevov, temveč smo se izogibali refleksiji. Igralki pa sta odlično zavzeli sceno najpomembnejšega in najzabavnejšega opravila - rihtanja, vendar sta imeli zraven ličil še druge pripomočke za doseganje bojda prav posebnega počutja - droge. Mimogrede… danes je pikantni cheeseburger dobil Miha.
22.04.2010 - This filming day started out as almost every day starts for a woman…in front of a mirror. But we didn't admire our good looks rather we tried to avoid reflecting our presence into the camera. The actresses have marvelously taken on the roll of the most important and most fun job of them all – getting ready for a party. But in this scene they did not just use make up they also used something to lift their spirits – drugs. By the way… today Miha got the spicy burger.


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