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Sunny, coastal, prestigious ... Cannes :D

27. maj 2010

Navdušenje nad Cannesom, festivalom in nasploh našim potovanjem je veliko. Doživeli in preživeli smo veliko zabavnih, nam do zdaj neznanih, prestižnih dogodivščin. Spoznali smo ljudi iz naše stroke, si ogledali nekaj filmov in si privoščili sonce, morje in potepanja po mestu in okolici. Nasploh je bila nora dogodivščina, ki jo bomo naslednje leto zagotovo ponovili. Upamo le, da takrat srečamo koga v Slovenskem predstavitvenem šotoru, ki je bil v času našega obiska Cannesa prazen. Zdaj pa nazaj na delo... trailer za film Neskončni vozel bo kmalu na voljo za ogled :D
The excitement of Cannes, the festival and the whole trip in general is great. We experienced a lot of fun for us until this moment unknown and luxurious adventures. We met a few people from our line o work, watched a few movies and enjoyed the sun, sea and the beauties of Cannes and its surroundings. It was a wild ride that we will definitely do again next year. We hope next year we will meat somebody in the Slovenian tent as it was empty the week that we were there. And now back to work… the trailer for the new movie Neverending Knot will be released soon :D


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Carsko! Vidim da ste že pripravljeni pozirat na rdeči preprogi ;)

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Hja bo še treba dat kake vaje poziranja skozi :) lol :)

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