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Day #8 – Middnight talk

28. maj 2010

24.04.2010 - Spet nočno snemanje, tokrat celo zunaj. Vsi štirje glavni igralci so sedeli za mizo in odigrali 6 strani dolg pogovor, ki je super izpadel. Na snemanju smo ponovno imeli statiste, ampak tokrat jih je bilo očitno manj kot zadnjič. Snemanje se je spet zavleklo pozno v noč, na srečo nam igralci niso zmrznili. Še ena stvar, ki vam jo moramo zaupati: Fast food nam gre že na bruhanje. PS: Še samo nekaj uric do objave trailerja za film tukaj na našem blogu :)
24.04.2010 - Night shooting again, outside this time. All four main actors were sitting outside behind a table and act 6 pages long dialog scene. They were great! We again had some extras on the set, but few less then last time. Shooting last long in the night, we are lucky our actors didn't froze. There is one more thing… we can't stand fast food anymore! BTW:  Just a few more hour till the publishing of the trailer of the movie here on our blog.


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