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Day 10# - Last day

8. jun. 2010

30.04.2010 - Zadnji snemalni dan, zadnja scena, zadnje igranje in zadnji cheeseburgerji. Zadnja scena ki smo jo posneli je bil Andyjev pogovor po telefonu. Po končanem snemanju smo za zabavo razbili še hladilnik (ne ni tako kot se sliši… nismo vandali :D). Pospravili smo vso opremo in set ter si privoščili zaslužen spanec.

30.04.2010 - Last shooting day, last scene, last acting and last cheeseburgers. Last scene we shoot was Andys phone call. After shooting we even smashed refrigerator (no it's not like it sounds… we are not vandals :D). After packing the shooting equipment and cleaning the set we took a deserved sleep.


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