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Filmska delavnica v Radencih

14. jun. 2010

07.05.2010 - Zavod Vihar in Študentsko - mladinski klub Klinka, ki sodelujeta z mladinskim klubom iz Varaždina (VUK), sta nas povabila k sodelovanju pri mednarodnem projektu Stop - Stronger Together On Policies). Imeli smo celodnevno predavanje o filmu - od scenarija do končnega izdelka. Skozi delavnico je nastalo nekaj zelo dobrih zgodb in načrtov snemanja, ki so si jih izmislili udeleženci. Snemanja in montaže žal zaradi časovne omejenosti nismo izvedli, vsekakor pa so udeleženci izvedeli veliko novega in se zabavali ob pripovedovanju naših snemalnih prigod.
07.05.2010 - Institute Vihar and Student-youth club Klinika, that are cooperating with a club from Varaždin (VUK) have invited us to cooperate on an international project STOP - Stronger Together On Policies. We lectured a whole day workshop about movies - from the script to the finished product. Trough the workshop the attendants created a lot of good stories and filming plans. We couldn't do the filming and post-production, but the attendants had fun and have learned a lot of new things.


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