My first contact with drama was in middle school. We did a few child stories, which sucked me in the world of drama and theatre and made me a stage addict. This has brought with it the cooperation in a few drama shows ( Odtenki, Zgodbe iz spečega mesta, Ekogeni ) and tho movies ( Popolno(Perfect) and Kaos (Chaos) ). In Maribor I am attending the second year in of drama school and I am also a member of the drama society Moment, I am also active in the youth society VIS. My emotions are also tied to the other side of art – poetry. It has also been very good to me - I have released two poetry collections (Pogled skozi mesečino and Odtisi mojega sveta) and i am also preparing a third one. I also devote a big part of my energy to the study of law and sport. To step in the role of Barbara is a big challenge for me since she is a complete opposite of me. It were the new experiences and friendships that were the key elements for me to become a part of this project because they are always a good investment for the future.
Katja Andrinek
28. jul. 2010
Z dramsko igro sem se prvič srečala v osnovni šoli. Uprizorili smo nekaj otroških pravljic, ki so me posrkale v gledališki svet in me napravile za odrsko odvisnico. To je za sabo potegnilo sodelovanje v nekaj dramskih igrah (Odtenki, Zgodbe iz spečega mesta, Ekoagenti) in dveh filmih (Popolno in Kaos). V Mariboru obiskujem drugi letnik gledališke šole in sem članica gledališkega društva Moment, gledališko dejavna pa sem tudi v mladinskem društvu Vis. Moja čustva so vezana tudi na drugo vejo umetnosti, in sicer poezijo. Tudi poetično ustvarjanje je obrodilo sadove - izdala sem dve pesniški zbirki (Pogled skozi mesečino in Odtisi mojega sveta), pripravljam pa tudi že tretjo. Velik del energije namenim še študiju prava, njen preostanek pa posvetim športu. Vloga Barbare je zame velik izziv, saj gre za osebo, ki je popolno nasprotje moje osebnosti. Za sodelovanje v filmu sem se odločila predvsem zaradi novih izkušenj in prijateljstev, ki so vselej dobra naložba za prihodnost.
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