My name is Larisa Lara Pohorec. Lara for short.The waiters usually don’t like me because I order my drink around 5 minutes. Yes I’m a Libra. I was born on the 21st of October 1992, still not 18 :P I am lively and optimistic girl that goes to the II. Gimnazija Maribor. I like animals and at home I have a dog, rats, a snake and a gecko. I love horses and I ‘m training riding from the age of six. I can hardly stay still so I roller-skate, cycle, swim, going for walks with my dog… I also like to dance and talk… especially with my friends. From when I was little I liked to be on the stage and in school I was part in all the mayor drama plays. Ever since I’m in high school I participated in shows like Feel the beats from English Student Theatre and Guillame Apolinaire in the French theatre.I’ve had a few experiences on the stage but I was never in front of a camera. The best thing about the filming were the sandwiches… just joking. I really enjoyed the filming and we had a great team with which we got along great. I thing that the party house will kind of miss us. Too bad that we were so hard working and good because there would be a lot more working days otherwise. I hope I will be able to explore the filming scene a bit more in the future, because I really enjoyed it. So that is all from me and I’m going on a coffe. Byeee
Larisa Lara Pohorec
5. avg. 2010
Sem Larisa Lara Pohorec, Lara na kratko. Natakarji me ponavadi ne marajo preveč, saj pijačo naročam 5 minut. Ja, sem tehtnica... Rojena sem 21 oktobra 1992, ŠE mladoletna. Sem vedra, optimistična punca, ki obiskuje II. gimnazijo Maribor. Rada mam živali, doma mam psa, podgane, kačo, gekona... Obožujem konje, jahanje treniram že od šestega leta. Zelo težko sem pri miru, rolam, kolesarim, plavam, hodim na sprehode s psom. Rada tudi plešem, pojem in govorim. Predvsem čvekam s prijatelji. Že od malih nog sem rada stala na odru, v osnovni šoli sem sodelovala pri večih dramskih predstavah. Odkar sem v gimnaziji sem sodelovala v predstavi English Student Theatra z naslovom Feel the beat, in pri dramski igri Guillame Apolinaire-a pri francoskem teatru ki se odvija na šoli. Gledaliških izkušenj sem do sedaj imela kar nekaj, nikoli prej pa nisem stala pred kamero. Na snemanju so bli najbolši sendviči. Šala :) Na snemanju sem uživala, meli smo super ekipo, vsi smo se zaštekali med sabo. Mislim da nas bo tista party hiša kar pogrešala. Škoda da smo bli tak pridni in da je šlo gladko skozi, ker če ne, bi bilo snemalnih dni več haha. Upam da bom lahko na igralskem področju še naprej raziskovala in razvijala svoje sposobnosti, saj me taka vrsta igre zelo privlači. To bi pa nekak blo vse, grem na kavo. Čao!
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