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Primož Weingerl

18. avg. 2010

Sem Primož, star 27 let. Prihajam iz Korene, živim pa v Mariboru. Trenutno sem zaposlen na področju informatike, študiram pa še zgodovino. Z igranjem se ljubiteljsko ukvarjam že skoraj 10 let. Obiskoval sem dramsko šolo Vilija Ravnjaka, trenutno pa sem član kolektiva Moment (drugi letnik gledališke šole - igra). Za mano je že kar nekaj projektov oz. dramskih uprizoritev. To pa je moj prvi filmski projekt.
My name is Primož and I am 27 years old. I come from Korena, but I live in Maribor. Right now I am employed in the field of informatics, but I also study history. For 10 years my hobby is acting. I have atended the acting school of Vili Ravnjak and am curently a member of the Moment society ( the second year of the drama school ). I have done a lot of project, mostly drama acting. This is my first movie project.


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