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The Making-of guys

29. avg. 2010

Študent medijskih komunikacij Alen Štruc in študent logistike Mitja Florjanc sta bdela nad nami tako na motivacijskem vikendu kot na dolgih snemalnih dneh. Posnela sta veliko prigod in smešnih trenutkov, zato komaj čakamo, da si ogledamo making-of. Fotografirali smo vsi, ki smo za 5 minut dobili v roke fotoaparat, tiste vrhunske fotografije, ki so objavljene na blogu pa sta posnela fotografa Mitja Florjanc in Rene Gomolj. Ustvarjalcem se zahvaljujemo za vložen čas in dobro voljo. Več slik najdete pod postom. PS: Posneli in poslikali smo za okoli 80Gb "making of" materiala.
Alen Štruc a student of media comunications and Mitja Florjanc a student of logistics, were always by our side from the motivational weekend as well as on the long filming days. They shot a lot of funny moments and mishaps, thats why we can't wait to see the making-of. We were all photographers. Everyone who had 5 minutes of time and got hands on the photo-camera was it. But the professional photographs that are posted on the blog were taken by  Mitja Florjanc and Rene Gomolj. We thank the artists for the time and effort they put into making this movie. More photos below. PS: We made over 80Gb of photo and video material just for the making of part.


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