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Zavozlan Grossmann

24. jul. 2011

Z veseljem lahko povemo, da je naš film Neskončni vozel uvrščen v tekmovalni program Grossmann festivala filma in vina, v katerem se bo potegoval za Slakovega hudega mačka. Film bo na sporedu v ponedeljek 25. 7. 2011 ob 22.15. Torej, če Vas pot zanese v Ljutomer, se sprostite ob našem napetem filmu in dobrem vinu.


We are happy to say, that our film Neverending knot (Neskončni vozel) was selected in official selection at Grossmann festival of film and wine. Our film will compete for Slak's Vicious Cats and it will be screened on Monday, 25. 7. 2011 at 22.15. So, if you find yourself on a way to Ljutomer, be sure to relax yourself with watching our cool film and drinking good wine.


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