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Last Lunch

3. avg. 2011

Med veliko poplavo projektov, na katerih trenutno delamo, se najde tudi animiran film. Ja! Kratki 3d animiran film z naslovom »Zadnje kosilo« (Last Lunch). Upamo, da ste že kaj lačni, saj bo »Zadnje kosilo« na platno servirano že avgusta. Več informacij slik, in ostalih stvari bomo objavili v prihodnje, marsikaj pa lahko najdete tudi na Facebook strani.


In a flood of project, that we are currently working on, you can also find an animated film. Yes! Short 3d animated film called »Last Lunch« (Zadnje Kosilo).
We hope that you are getting hungry, because Last lunch will be served on a screen already in August. More info, screenshoots and other stuff will come soon, but you can check the Facebook page.


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