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14th festival of Slovenian film

10. okt. 2011

Leto je okoli in ponovno smo se odpravili na obalo po novo dozo slovenskih filmov. Tudi tokrat smo se imeli super; srečali smo veliko naših filmskih kolegov, ležali na plaži, v avditoriju pa si seveda ogledovali filme – tokratni rekorder je Mitja M., saj je drugi dan festivala v kino dvorani preživel več kot 13 ur! Čestitke :)
Iz naše produkcije pa je na meniju letošnjega festivala bil diplomski animiran film Mihe Šubica, Last Lunch (Zadnje kosilo), ki je na festivalu doživel tudi premiero.
Več o festivalu lahko najdete na uradni spletni strani.
Year is around and again we went to the seashore to see new Slovenian films. Like always, we had a lot of fun; we meet our filmmaking friends, we were laying on the beach and ofcourse, we were watching films. On the second day of the festival Mitja M. even spend more than 13hours in the cinema!
There was one film of our production in the festival too. Short 3d animated film Last Lunch (directed by Miha Šubic) was screened on 1st of October – this was the premiere of the film!
You can find more about the festival on the official website.


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