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Poceni, vendar dobri filmi. Luksuz!

1. sep. 2011

Naš »poceni« film Neskončni vozel je bil ponovno izbran v tekmovalni del filmskega festivala, tokrat je to Luksuz festival poceni filma v Krškem. Projekcija filma bo v petek, 2. septembra 2011, ob 19.30. Napovednik filma lahko vidite tukaj, več o festivalu pa lahko najdete tukaj. Se vidimo!
Our »cheap« film Neskončni vozel (Neverending knot), found himself in a official selection of a film festival again. This time is this Luxus film festival of cheap films in Krško, Slovenia. Film will be screened on Friday, 2nd of September 2011, at 19.30. Here you can watch trailer for the film and here, you can find more about the festival. See you there!


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