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How to shoot a movie

13. apr. 2012

Danes smo za kulturni dan Oblikovne šole Maribor, v kinu Udarnik pripravili predstavited poteka snemalnega dne. Na odru smo postavili pravo sceno, naši igralci pa so odlično odigrali svoje vloge. Na odru pa so se nam pridružili tudi dijaki, ki smo jih aktivno vključili v proces nastajanja filma. Ne spreglejte videa s prireditve, več vtisov pa najdete spodaj.

Media&Design high school Maribor had a cultural day today @ Udarnik. We prepared for them a demonstration of a shooting day of a film. We created a real shooting scene on the stage and our actors acted their rolls. On stage we were joined by some students from the audience, which were involved in the shooting process. Do not forget to watch the short video from the event. You can find more photos bellow.


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